A career as a Phlebotomy Technician is a rewarding path for someone who desires to work directly with patients. The phlebotomist (PBT) is often the first contact a patient has with the clinical laboratory and phlebotomists must use care and skill to obtain blood specimens from patients for analysis in the clinical laboratory. Technologists and physicians depend upon the phlebotomist to collect quality patient specimens in order to produce quality laboratory results.
Applicants for the Phlebotomy Program must satisfy the general requirements for admission to the College and meet the technical and physical standards that are expected of phlebotomists in the workforce. Students must be 18 years of age by December 31st of the year they start the program in order to be eligible for the internship
The Phlebotomy Program takes place over two semesters and begins every fall. The Phlebotomy Course (PHBC110R) integrates theoretical and practical work and emphasizes interpersonal skills providing the basis for the certificate recipient to work as an entry-level phlebotomist. Students who successfully complete PHBC 100R with a C or better are eligible for the 120-hour Phlebotomy Internship (PHBC190R) in a hospital or other blood draw center.
Students entering the Phlebotomy Internship must be at least 18 years old. Students enrolled in PHBC 190R must make personal and professional accommodations in order to attend this full-time, three week internship. The internship is only offered in the spring semester and must be taken over a consecutive three week period during the day shift. Clinical internships will be arranged through the Clinical Coordinator. To Register for PHBC 190R (Phlebotomy Internship) students must be matriculated in the program and provide all required paperwork to the Program Director by November 15th. Each student will be instructed in specific requirements for their placements during PHBC 110R. Paperwork for each student includes some, or all, of the following dependent upon placement of internship:
- Completion of PHBC110R with a C or better
- Proof of health insurance
- Criminal Background Check free from offenses
- 10 or 12 panel Drug Screen
- CPR Certification
- Bureau of Elbery Abuse Screen
- Receipt of proof of immunity to infectious disease through documentation of titer or receipt of vaccines
Phlebotomists must possess a number of physical and interpersonal skills in order to perform their job safely. All students will be required to verify their ability to complete these tasks on the first day of class by completion of the “Essential Skills of the Phlebotomist” form that can be found on the RVCC Phlebotomy webpage. These skills include, but are not limited to, fine motor skills, some mobility, operating mechanical and computerized equipment and performing clerical duties. Good communication skills are critical in dealing with patients, clients, physicians, nurses and other health care workers.
Successful completion of both PHBC 110R and PHBC 190R with grades of C or better in each courses are required in order to obtain the Phlebotomy Certification. Before a certification can be issued, students must meet all financial obligations with the college.
Students who successfully complete this program are qualified for immediate employment and are eligible to sit for national certification examinations offered by several professional organizations.
* Both courses have co/prerequisites. See course descriptions for requirements.